Nicolas Dumit Estevez talks about the work of Lisa Bufano during presentations in NYC.
Nicolas Dumit Estevez, NYC artist, stages a series of pilgrimages that reverse the relationship between art and religion, modeling his piece after the Catholic El Camino de Compostela in Spain, where devotees travel to the tomb of St James. Religion becomes a tool in the service of art as the artist endures separate journeys that begin in Lower Manhattan and conclude at seven museums. Estevez journeys for two days from Lower Manhattan Cultural Council to the Queens Museum of Art, stopping at Queens public libraries along the way to continue disseminating knowledge about performance art.
As part of this sixth pilgrimage, Estevez delivers at each stop a presentation entitled Seven Lives, through which he introduces his audiences to the works of Nao Bustamante, Lisa Bufano, Paco Cao, Coco Fusco, Cesar Martinez Silva and Linda M. Montano, and discusses the five penances that he has undertaken For Art’s Sake so far. Read more about Nicolas Dumit Estevez and download full press release
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